Gazing at the window in this pale moonlight, I was thinking that how strange the life is, isn’t it? The people with whom you shared all your joys, the friends who mean much more than yours with whom you shared jokes, coffee, the person with whom you met, the person with whom you never met the days of yore, the days of your schooling all flashes in the mind at no time. Even things may be more cyclic and the bad one holds the best position in that. Every day I encounter so many truth, SO MANY that if I go on jotting down it will take half of my days to do that. If I say the last couple of days has forced me to fall in the state of trance then it is no wrong. Both my mind and my heart are thinking in opposite direction. Apart from that, I do not know why I am passing through those sleepless nights. Today also, the same situation happened and while looking out of my window in this windy night I was stuck with my own image. When I think about my dress coding a couple of year back then nothing amuses me. I know that at that time I even don’t wonder how a jeans fit to one body and even don’t know what LAVIS or LEE is…I used to wear such a formal dress that clearly describe me and about my hailing from a village. At that time, I think that simplicity is the best thing that will describe you and your personality. I have learnt in the past that simple living and high thinking is the best way to describe you.
Meanwhile I was stuck with yet another thought of friendship. Now whenever I repeat this word friendship I dunno why one face still haunts me. A week back I visited to one of my SO called best friend and was shocked to see that she even don’t talked with me. Many images related to that friend flashes in front of my eyes in this windy season. I still remember those days when I was there in her entire thick and thin. When I was there to differentiate her sorrows and integrate her happiness and joys and when I was there for her in helping to solve those calculus problems and that of probability...
I do not know what I mean to her but for me she was my best friend.
….and now I know what LEVIS or LEE is. Last day I was standing in front of my mirror and was thinking am I the same? Am I the same Praveen for those who want to see me in their style?
My appearance has changed but I have not, I am still that spoilt brat.
I have dressed up still inside me you will find the same emotional fool.
Now I have everything with me. My love, the one with whom my life begins and at whom my life ends, my each day start with her cute message and ends with her lovely good night message. Still I miss that friend with whom I have shared my 5 years of golden period during my schooling. I still think that one day my friend will ring me and will say, “Look Praveen, I have changed”.
Anyway, now I am feeling drowsy and as the clock strikes nine I wish I could sleep a sound sleep.
I am missing my school friends…
Good night.