A urgent letter to my mum and pa......

on August 29, 2010 in

Dear Mum & Dad

This might come as a shock to you. But i'm in love. No, the shock has nothing to do with the new challenge, this poses to the established fact that I'm incapable of loving but about the object of my affection. Whom I'm in love with. Mum, Dad I'm emotionally involved with my potato salad. I've been reading too much of the romantic novels say:
I TOO HAD A LOVE STORY byRabindra singh
THAT KISS IN THE RAIN by Novoneel Chakaborty
NEW MOON by Stephnie Meyer
…….and many more in the row,
and this happily-ever-after and falling in love with your food has gone to my head (not my stomach). If AVINASH JAIN (the protagonist of nothing for u………..) can fall in love with his senior techno then why can't I? I know this is extremely hard for you. But I'm a big enough now and I am in love afterall. I love novels. Novels are my life. The way I feel about it..no it's not gas. It's the real deal..butterflies..oh so many butterflies. In my stomach. I know it's unconventional and people will talk. But at least I'm not bringing home a hindu or muslim human being, am I!? That would be unpardonable. God forbid me if I do that. Nor am I bringing home a woman. I assure this is a rather straight, God-fearing catholic potato.

I hope you wil forgive me and find it in your heart to accept our love.
Your loving son


Just few words in my mind...

on August 25, 2010 in
No words ….
No comforts….
Can fill up the void …
Of a dear old soul …
And as a plethora of emotions unfold…
Emanating fading light at the hearth…
The ambers silently blaze for sometime…
The ambience, in gloom, shimmers and shines…
and asked are questions,
the answers to which the heart fails to find...

PS: God please help me to find out the answer of those arising questions in my mind...


weird thing i wanna do....

on August 14, 2010 in
OK!! so I am not going to narrate you about my absence from this blog field. I have been on pins and needle and somehow I managed to log on to blogspot.com to scribble my weird thought which I encounter (approx) every night...

- Dance with a ghost. Somehow it has come to be the most romantic encounters Ive ever imagined and kinda grown up on too. A romantic dance with a ghost. Subtle, Surreal and timeless :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

- Witness this scene: A marriage procession and one carrying a dead man gets exchanged and mixed up … the corpse falls and people are dancing around it while the lamenters watch as helpless bystanders. Ironical to the core.

- Cry by the river Nile:(: (: (: (: (: (:

- Accost arbit people on the road, ask them if they would be interested in sharing a cup of coffee. Over the coffee then ask them about their childhood, current, old problems in life, recurring dreams, mental blocks and help solve them. Or just listen to them talking about their dreams and perspectives about life n all that jazz…. And this I really really wanna do. Probably because I know it is more feasible than others makes the desire even stronger. And I wanna do it in a number of countries :)

- Be in a place so cold that tears come out frozen.

- Be invisible for sometime. Then go look at people when they're alone in crowded places unwatched

- Be terminally ill. See how I live knowing that I have just a few more months. Immense knowledge and insights to be gained from that experience. Although this reminds me of the futility of life. That you cant really know about something unless you go through it. And once you go through it, youre perspectives change too. You cant map things simply in life. As Milan Kundera said – once is nonce!

- Answer the question. Does it takes greater strength for the wronged to absolve or the wrong-doer to seek mercy. I mean in a definitive fashion.

- As me I know life only as me. Only my perspectives. Thus at least for a day would like to experience life: as Birla, as a slum-dweller, as Pervez Musharraf’s daughter, as Monica Lewinsky, as an actor in a K-drama, as Brett Lee right after Australia loses to India, as Manmohan Singh after he gives a speech pandering to his not-so-right desires ;)

- Write an equation for the path followed by smoke curls under various simulatory conditions such as: no wind, vacuum, one air inlet and so on


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