Just wrote...."a broken heart"

on April 30, 2010 in

Some things which are mentioned here are just so true and if you have loved someone and has got pain in reward of that, you will be agree with me.  Have a read:

Could you be the one for me?
Could you be my find?
Could it be, after all this time,
Fate is going to be kind?
Could you be the one for me,
The one to help me forget
The gal that broke my heart, my soul
The gal that haunts me yet?
You tell me that I’m nice
Something I’ve never heard
But the one still lives here in my mind
That couldn’t spare a kind word
It’s going to be hard to forget
And pick up the pieces she left
Could you be the one to teach
How to love again and forget?
Could you be the one to come
And mend my broken heart?
Are you willing to piece together
What another broke apart?
It won’t be an easy job, you see
My road has been long and rough
And the heart that was once so soft
Is now shut, locked, and tough
But I can feel my heart open again
It’s opening for you
Just come in, and love me back
That’s all you have to do
I must ask you one small thing
Before we kiss and part
Please be nice and kind to me
I’m tired of broken hearts
Some where my mind says that heart of his, which was just so soft and kind some time ago, thanks to that person who broke it, now it is no more that soft.  Now it is no more that soft.  Now its just locked and it has become so much tough.  People who break hearts, people who leave their loved ones for their own gains, selfishness, people who back off on the path of love, they never understand the true meanings of love and loving some one.  Its very easy to break a heart.  What is tough is to be with some one!Its very easy to be selfish and do things just for your own good and for your own benefit.  Its so tough to do  something for others.  Its so much tough to do some thing for some one.  But there are some selfish and cold hearted people in this world too who don’t understand the pain of others, who just have complaints but not few words of appreciation, who just call that person stupid who has done something for them.  Is that person really stupid who went through all that pain for his loved one or is that person is so much stupid who gave away everything for the sake of love?If you are among those who never bothers that someone is doing some thing you, if you say to him/her that what ever he/she has done, it was just his/her wish, you never asked him to do that for you and it was just him who was stupid enough to do all that much for you, if you are among those who say to their loved ones when they are crying with the pain given by you that you don’t have time for their tears and some one’s tears doesn’t mean anything for you coz you have your own problems and that “some one” is no one else but that person who loved you from the bottom of his heart than just remember this, you never will know how much damage you have done!  You have not just broken the heart of some one but also you have killed that very feeling, you have broken that trust that was there some time ago on  love in the heart of that person.  You must know this that its not so easy to be in love and those who are just selfish and come up with explanations supporting their selfishness only , they cant love some one.  Those who give pain and tears to others, they can’t understand what is love and how to love some one.  Those who know just about their own benefits, they are just playing with the feelings of others.  Why do people do like that?When you know you cant give happiness to some one , who has given you the right to give pain to him?When you can’t take some one tears from their eyes who authorized you give the same tears to the other person? But its not some thing about which answer can be given because this world is filled with the people like these only who do everything for just their own benefit and than come and try to prove their act right with the reasons supporting them. True love and true and devoted lovers are just now sleeping in the books only.People of today just know how to say that I have to leave you and be selfish for myself as this is the best for me to do. Is it right or is it wrong you want to know? I dont have the answer as I myself is trying to find the answer for the same puzzle. If you know the answer than let me know too, that’s all I can say.

PS: I haven't scribbled the above feelings for my part of life. It was all for the general truth, massive perception, and the reality of the world. It's all up to those who feel that they are living in a perfect stereotype geek. 

DISCLAIMER: The above piece has no resemblance with my personal life now. 


The world and the loads of expectation

on April 24, 2010 in
Dear folks,
I am feeling mostly better now - still sore, but much of focus has moved to my head - something I am at least used to. I am unfortunately, also rather cranky - both because of the headache and because this whole episode has put me behind where I wanted to be right now.

Have you ever had stressed much on your mind, or does that just happen to people who can admit to over thinking? I have SO many things swirling around in my brain lately that I cannot even focus on one simple blog post. I can barely even manage conversation, which is very strange.

Like last day, my friend asked me to do help in her project work, a 30-page document presented in front of her mentor. It means me that how much one expects when one comes to the world sanity. The last blog post which I attached/scribbled-WOMENS EMPOWERMENT was the work of my mind and my realization. I kept my pace while writing up to 1200 words and lost the hope after that. Still I have read in one’s blog that when a student enters into the engineering college his hopes are ignited. He expects to fetch lots of money and starts preparing for CAT under a hot tin roof. And after that I have come to realize that we should keep high aspirations, moderate expectations, and small needs. The real winners in life are the people who look at every situation with an expectation that they can make it work or make it better. There is no greater challenge than to have someone relying upon you; no greater satisfaction than to vindicate his/her expectation.

I do my thing and you do yours. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, then it is beautiful. If not, it can’t be helped.

 My grandfather taught me a lesson. If you are passionate for something then the whole earth will conspire for you. No other external force can stop you to achieve your goal/target. Only you need to be to focus on your destiny. Now my situations are showing me that every bit of knowledge that I have acquired in the past are now seeping out of my mind. I am clinically brain dead right now. It seems that I have been in a habit of playing only with puns.

Still the load of expectation gets high if you go higher in your life. Just kick some goals and will be blessed with dozens of such similar expectations. It never seems to be endless.

Hear me out……

Top the list in your college, your family will expect the same from you…in a total dramatized word no one can think what will happen to them next. The drama even continues in the relationship also. Pardon me! However, I do not have the idea about the cited words but my mind still think for the support of the same. Relationship is something that one gets in heritance. Still, why many fights are among brothers and why ego continues between the family members? Anyways that’s not I want to scribble because you all know much better than me. Here, I am on the way to kill my few times and to get myself refreshed for a while. Again, killing time is something, which I do not understand it. How one can kill his/her, time. Isn’t it sound very astonishing or frivolous? Well, the phrase kills time but you will not get a sentence (puns indeed).

Whereas the whole world are coruscating their life with different types of gray matter, the lower class family are still in the state of expectation for getting out of this inflation. Whereas we people are talking about the 3G auction, a part of the world is still expecting to know the meaning of the word 3G. Whereas we are talking about the dishes like pizza & burger, a part of the society are still in the expectation for the vacancy of jobs. Still I expect that tomorrow a new chapter will start in my life, tomorrow will be a new hope and from tomorrow, I will open my book. With the expectation that I will be back in the world of blogosphere after few months here I am getting sabbatical for few days. Will be back very soon with a bash,
Will miss you all,
Your Mr. Kumar


women's empowerment

on April 22, 2010

Well, taking into the account of women’s empowerment the first and the basic concept to understand the topic lies in the fact of understanding the word empowerment. Whereas the people of the world are coruscating with the different types of electrical gadgets, one part of the society is still lingering over those blessed technologies. The word empowerment refers to the control of their life by their own will. Looking back into the making of the world, we will drew out the contour that women were those parts of the society which were considered as the backbone of world, by the world and for the world. From the pages of history, we can see that women had played a vital role at each step of life let call it as a good daughter, a good sister, a lifetime partner, as mother and above all a good manager. The women’s prodigy is quite heck to decipher but still by the virtue of their skill one can tell that women’s are those part of society without which the life on earth is beyond imagination. In nutshell, one can say that life begins from women.
Looking back into the pages of history we will find the out the names of those women who had devoted their full life working for the sake of their nation and for the sake of their family. One from the many others is the queen of Jhansi RANI LAXMIBAI, the famous protagonist who made her name immortal and her name now reflects within the pages of history. She not only played the role of a good daughter, a student, a wife but also showed the bravery of being a well-known leader. She gave the lesson that women are not the filthy soles of men. If they can play the role of a live giver then they can also play the role of a life destroyer.
Just a brief account of that women’s icon will add an interest to our understanding the topic. She never ever has thought to dwell their life under the slavery. She gave the lesson that if girls make their mind to do something then no other power can stop them by achieving their target. In addition, yes! One can see the difference, the name of the Indian first IPS OFFICIER, KIREN BEDI, yet another icon among the Indian youth. These all example underlying in the history proves that women are no more under the filthy soles of men.
Nevertheless, unfortunately these are the one side of the coin.
Being into the account of penury women’s are thought that they are contributing their hand in the deterioration of the nation’s progress. They are responsible for the birth rate. However, these are not the case in reality.  Of the 1.3 billion people who live in absolute poverty around the globe, 70 percent are women. For these women, poverty does not just mean scarcity and want. It means rights denied, opportunities curtailed and voices silenced.

If India reckoned a force today across the globe, it owns to be fact that people from all sections of society have contributed immensely to its development after it got independence in 1947. A resurgent India owes as much too dauntless men of substance as to excellent unwavering women, who collectively tried to put their best of efforts for the betterment of their motherland. Moreover, among them it will be worth if we will not mention the name of Dr. Swati Piramal who deserves the special mention in the list of such luminaries followed by the first Indian president Dr. Pratibha Patil.

In comparison to the benefits that the other part of the society is enjoying, the fragment needs a special attention.  A brief description of those irrelevant facets of those fragment are hereunder:
1.       Women earn only 10 percent of the world’s income. Where women work for money, they may be limited to a set of jobs deemed suitable for women – invariably low pay, low-status positions.

2.       Women own less than 1 percent of the world’s property. Where laws or customs prevent women from owning land or other productive assets, from getting loans or credit, or from having the right to inheritance or to own their home, they have no assets to leverage for economic stability and cannot invest in their own or their own children’s futures.

These problems are dozing the whole world under the hope of deterioration on the scale of globalization. Still there is lots of problem, which are arising in the field of education. These sections of society are supposed to be under curtain. They are still not allowed to go for the higher education and hence results into the lower literacy rates.
In many societies around the world, women never belong wholly to themselves; they are the property of others throughout their lives. Their physical well-being – health, security and bodily integrity – is often beyond their own control. Where women have no control over money, they cannot choose to get health care for themselves or their children. Where having a large number of children confers status on both men and women – indeed, where childbearing may be the only marker of value available to women –
Frequent pregnancy and labor can be deadly.
Well, looking into the depth of the circumstances we will find out the solution lies and depends on the government’s help of the concerned nations.
Well, looking into the problem in depth, there are still many bloody tortures that women of now a days are suffering from.
Around the globe, home and community are not safe havens for a billion girls and women: At least one in three females on earth has been physically or sexually abused, often repeatedly and often by a relative or acquaintance. By the World Bank’s estimate, violence rivals cancer as a cause of morbidity and mortality for women of childbearing age. Even within marriage, women may not be able to negotiate when and what type of sex to have, nor to protest their husbands’ multiple sex partners. Poverty and exclusion push some girls and women to engage in sex work, almost always the desperate, last choice of people without other choices.

With all these problems at our desk, the mind strikes about the solution. Where the solution lies?
Our understanding of empowerment reminds us that change – in this case, improvement in the physical, economic, political or social well-being of women – will not be sustained unless:

Individuals change: Poor women become actors for change, able to analyze their own lives, make their own decisions and take their own actions. Women (and men) gain ability to act by building awareness, skills, knowledge, confidence and experience.

Structures change: Women and men, individually and collectively, challenge the routines, conventions, laws, family forms, kinship structures and taken-for-granted behaviors that shape their lives – the accepted forms of power
and how these are perpetuated.

Relations change: Women and men form new relations with other social actors, form coalitions and develop mutual support in order to negotiate, be agents of change, alter structures and so realize rights, dignity and livelihood security.
The tabulated form of the cited example is hereunder:

Make the table as indicated in ur attached document which u have mailed me @ praveen_2010p@indiatimes.com.


Yet another blog..go for it-less trite!!!

on April 12, 2010 in

……..by now you know that my blogs are no more personal. It’s an open page of my life. Read it and just loll.

One tear drop touched another. Mingled for a brief while…. Trickled together, towards certain death…. Crashing headlong into the dry, brown dust…. Sinking into it, leaving an imperceptibly pretty wet patch…. Breaks my heart to see it disappear…. Careless humans would trample upon it, crushing my grief under filthy soles.

I talked with my soul mate. Phew! My tears broke down and died. I was not able to decipher from where it came for whom it was rolling down throughout the chat session. I missed several things. Call it, I have to catch my train, I missed. Despite several……..I was still in the state of complacency. I got to know the many facts and much of the pinched ardent by that chat. Now! I don’t have any pet peeves. I don’t have any complain with GOD. I can smell the same fragrance of friendship with the same friend for whom I have scribbled the post I QUIT. Here me out! The condition has changed. This engineer is no more crucified. He will change….he will return back in the world of true friends, let’s call it the world of precious friendship because:

Life’s no fun when you r single,
When there’s no one around to make your insides tingle,
When you are all alone and cant share that last Pringles,
Hence this jingle, coz I m single.
With this thought here this blogger is out of moody once again. Catch you folks!
PS: flagged 12th April  2010 back in the world once again...i am in the state of pacification.



on April 07, 2010 in

I guess it’s about time someone pronounced me clinically brain dead. My grey matter has both all shriveled up and died or I’ve turned an idiot unceremoniously.

I feel every bit of knowledge I had acquired over the years is slowly seeping out of my mind. Probably when I'm asleep, it crawls out of my ears like insects or something. How else would I feel so utterly empty each morning? Nothing inspires me anymore.

My glitzy blogs with the low TRP are now seeping up slowly. And yes! I have some reason to scribble nonchalantly. From my mindset everything is going digital right now. Hear me out! My maximum time let roughly 75% of my time goes in vain watching the entire digital gadget and recently I caught the one. But the thing is that I am almost moody each day, deciphering between loves vs. lust.

Although millions of ideas are passing from my mind at a zillionth of speed but still I am unable to curb the one for which I should go on. So for few days I will be absent from the routine of connecting thoughts, sign in to blogspot.com and churning of new post. With a hope that I will be back very soon here this sluggish blogger is going to dive in the sea of preparation for those fleshy B-Tech exam.

Meet you soon guys till now good bye.


The story of a crucified engineer...

on April 06, 2010 in
Pardon!! But I felt compelled for scribbling my present situation. Let dedicate this subliminal post for my charade situation from which I am suffering. No, I haven’t messed up in any technical glitches and neither been stabbed with my fellow members {hope the title reflects the same}. I moved from an Indian village to a metropolitan city in a hope to share my hand for the sake of India, to know the India. My paucity in the field of relationship got brushed up here.

My life taught me a lot of things I should’ve realized and come to terms with a long time ago. But hey!! Better late than never right? One of the very important facts of life that my family member has always tried to instill in me is that every dark cloud of despair has a silver lining. The cup is always half full. So for a change I shall heed their advice. And yes!! I do that by now.

My life was in dark when I have left one of my friends. I was in complete compunction when I realized that I have done something wrong {thought the condition is not the same} by proposing her. She left me and I ended my friendship.

Now I can feel the difference. I don’t have any hunch to show my spasm for her friendship. By now I am crucified. I felt crucified for the sake of that friendship for which I was there to bet my life.

And yes!! My life is now betted.

By now, remembering her has become a real chore for me. Every day I pray for the normality of that friendship which has crucified me. My life by now is moving @ 115 kbps. I never ever have dreamt that I will be impelled to mortify because of my own decision. My biggest mistake in my life.

Someone wise once said that life is a book with many chapters penned and innumerable others waiting to be etched in. In many ways this chapter has been the making of me. But life and I aren’t done yet.

Tomorrow is a new chapter, tomorrow is a new dawn, and tomorrow will be a new hope.


Wake up Praveen...

on April 01, 2010 in
No apologies...and no I don’t ask for forgiveness either. Coz as friends you are expected to understand my approx 1 month long absence. Let’s get into the reasons later, right now hear me out.

I m confused.

 You know there comes a point in everyone’s life where the next step you take makes or breaks you. While normal people, prepare themselves for this scenario and have counter measures at hand when’s the day of reckoning comes around, others tend to dodge, shuffle, fake n move until left with no other choice but to cry over spilt milk. Yours truly is definitely an "other". Everyone has dreams in life. And the bigger you dream, the better your chances of making something out of yourself or so they say. For a normal 10 year old desi kid, nothing seemed bigger than Team India. To don the India Blue was something I like 90% of the boys and .001% of the girls(read madhuri iyer) dreamt of doing. And as years passed and I grew older and less mature, careers ranging from archeology to journalism came and went from my peripheral vision. And as I turned 18 and no clear cut career options sprung to mind, I chose to be a jack of all trades; I chose to be an Engineer.

Today, I m back at the very place I started out. Sitting in my balcony confused about what I wanna do in life, with life. Laid back is a term everyone who knows me associates with me. Maybe it’s the fact that I‘ve had it good in life. Always been lucky and always happy with the dealt hand. But in life, there is only so far luck can take you. The rest you gotcha actually DO for yourself. There are plenty of opinions flying around. "You only live once so might as well do what you love" sounds appealing to me but "Money drives the world, so get an MBA" sounds more sensible. Right now i m a preparing for CAT in a hot tin roof, leaving my all beloved far apart.

This is the time to wake up...to resolute and to dissolve myself in the world of corporate.


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