MEMORIES-doorways into our past.......

on October 26, 2010 in
I try. I really do. It’s hard to let go. Memories. Its not only the bad ones but the good ones too. The good ones too? Yeah, call me crazy. I think that the best way to move on with life is to erase all memory of the past. Then you don’t have to look back at the bad ones and regret and be sullen about it or think about the good ones and feel bad that life is going down the slope now. I always thought that the best way to hold on to someone or something special was by making them a part of my memory. These are the things/people you never wanna lose. I was wrong. It’s easier said than done. That ephemeral joy of the memory will be soon devoured by reality. Pain. Hurt. And its more bad memories again. It’s a vicious circle. Memories-worry is wat happens then. 
But why is it that life is so much more nicer when we think about our childhood days and the fun we had when we were growing up? 

Why is it that I never want to forget the times I was scolded by my teachers for my wrong doings ,even though I cried my eyes out ? 

Why is it that we never remember the dates that well as we remember the moments ?

Why is it that the best memories are the ones that hurt me the most ?

Why is it that even though I know its going to be hard to stay in touch with my friends I don’t wanna lose the memories of the times I spent with them ? 

Why is it that the thing in my head always wants me to remember ? To be remembered ? 

Why is it that even though I wanna let go of my memories, I’m unable to? 

Sometimes life’s best experiences are learnt through memories.But now I realize that the more I try to forget these memories the more I think of them. Memories are the doorways into our past. Memories are a way of connecting with the unconnected. Its the good-byes that will always hurt, and the memories that bring tears.

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. And I want to be remembered , I don’t want to be a forgotten memory.
Never forget me, because if I thought you would, I'd never leave.

PS:- I dedicate the last line of my post to my beautiful bebo.................n.
scribbled by: praveen



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