Walking In Solitude
September 17, 2009
how u find

Many friend's asked me : "are you suffering from girl phobia?". "why u don't allow any girl to creapt in your life and verligte it. As usual my answer is same. I don't know why i have no interest in other girls or i have lost the faith on love and girls. From my side i found my life cheating me at every step. My pals think that i am the luckiest person because i always have a reason to smile. But they don't know the bitter truth of my life. My all smile indicates my pain and agony which life has gifted me from my childhood.
My zenith love to that girl made me so crazy that i have changed my self completely. Even i can jeopardize my life for my destiny now. Dont be confused yaar. This blog will not give the spicy pleasure because now my love and my ambition and my destiny is to bell the CAT after completing mt B-Tech degree. My only destiny to open my own industry. Though once i have had a girl who used me to tell and reinvigorate me regarding opening my own industry. Now she is no more with me. I have to struggle till my destination. Here also life teaches me a lession, "dont believe on others even on GOD." For me life is only full of ups and down. Life is very charming for those who work on the formula of P.S.H {patao satao hatao}. And dont be in fallacy that if u love somebody deeply then whole earth will conspire for u.{agar tum kisi chiz ko saache dil se chate ho to puri kayanat usse milane ki kosis karta hai.} Thats all.
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