Book Review #1: Let the power be with you

on August 02, 2017
Book name: Let the power be with you
Author Name: Shivi Dua

This book comes with a title of healing/self-help. If you are suffering from stress, broken relationship, family problems, carrier problem and you are looking for the possible solution in overcoming all these, this book might be one of the rescue point for you.

In this book, author has paraphrased that "whatever is happening with us is because we want to let it happen with us". Is this true? At the beginning of the text i was bemused to know that "we are only responsible for our sufferings" but when i got pinched with each pages the clarity of the statement was clearly visible. Yes it is true!!

"Recognizing and resolving our inner conflicts is what will bring peace inside us naturally"

According to Shivi "It is our thought process or our thoughts which is responsible for our sufferings in life". At one instance when we start looking for something we send a packet of thoughts to Universe which is a great receptor. We can understand this statement like our mind is a transmitter and Universe, a receptor. Whatever we will transmit will come back to us in the physical form and will manifest in our life. Each one of us is a powerhouse of energy and each thoughts that emanates from us is a power packets. If there is a conflict in our thoughts then we will have a conflicting situation in front of us in our physical life.

Whole text in the book revolves at a central idea of thoughts and inner conflicts. The language used in this book is lucid and one can easily understand the text. Few lines that i loved and added to my lexicon are:

Whatever has been done, had been done. What can be achieved through blame and guilt, other than creating negative energy in ourselves and our lives? There is nothing better than accepting whatever has happened as a part of living our own karma. Watching our karma from the current moment onwards is what can help dispel all negativity from our lives. 

I recommend this book to those who want to take first step in healing their mind, body and soul. 



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